Late work Policy: Being that this is a studio class. Work needs to be done in class.
Students who are Excused Absent are required to complete work! They will be given adequate time, no later than one week past original due date. After that time a zero will permanently be entered in the grade book for that assignment.
Students who are Not Excused Absent are also required to complete work! Such late work will be accepted for ½ credit for up to 1 week then a zero will permanently be entered in the grade book for that assignment. If you are falling behind or struggling with course content see the instructor for immediate assistance.
The student is responsible for getting caught up to the class and complete past due assignments.
Options exist:
Late work may need to be worked on at home (if possible). Note: not all materials can leave the art room.
If the student has completed the current assignment, he/she has earned free time Late assignment can be completed during class. With arrangements with Mr. Allen student may come in to the art room during one of the other art classes being taught. This allows the student the ability if they have a study hall to come into the art room one of the first three hours of the school day. The Junior High Art room is only open with classes, available to students for the afternoon hours of the school day.
Students can make arrangements with Mr. Allen.